About the program
,Entrepreneurship does not only depend solely on a way of thinking
but also on a variety of tools and techniques which can be learned
."With this assumption in mind, HESEG developed the "Entrepreneurship and Idea Development Program
The program is modular and designed for young entrepreneurs and passionate people, who believe that
through entrepreneurial thinking and an aspiration towards excellence they can create change in our
.community and influence the future
:HIP combines two main layers – theory and practice
The theoretical level includes an introduction to the world of entrepreneurship and is based on groundbreaking
.books and articles, case Studies , TED videos , and discussions and expert lectures from various fields
The second level is based on "Learning by Doing" approach that enables participants to experiment and practice
the tools and techniques they have learned. This learning method has been proven to have the most significant impact
,in the field of entrepreneurship which requires mental flexibility and creativity on the one hand and organization and
self-discipline on the other. The program provides tools, knowledge and experience in developing ideas and incorporates
brainstorming, identifying opportunities, understanding the ecosystem, analyzing the target market and the various needs
.until full implementation of the idea
?Who is eligible for the program
HESEG Scholars and Alumni who have an initial venture / project idea and are interested in acquiring tools for entrepreneurial thinking
!Potential HIPsters should be serious, mature, interested in developing ideas and ready for the roller coaster experience that is entrepreneurship
:The main goal
Forming and creating a community consisting of HESEG scholarships and alumni who have an interest in entrepreneurship by creating
.an experience that will provide them with tools for creative thinking and experience in developing projects
.The community will consist of both HIP program graduates and HIP Boost graduates
:Program goals
.Development and empowerment of HESEG scholars and alumni by providing tools for entrepreneurial thinking, while practicing theories and tools
.Exposure to Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the World, and Israel's Impact on this field
.Learning the entrepreneurial language and the professional tools that will serve the participants during and after the program
.Hearing about and learning from success and failures of companies businesses and ventures from around the world and from Israel
.Encouraging out-of-the-box thinking, entrepreneurial thinking and tackling individual as well as group challenges
.Strengthening the ties between the HIP community and the entrepreneurial community in Israel
but also on a variety of tools and techniques which can be learned
."With this assumption in mind, HESEG developed the "Entrepreneurship and Idea Development Program
The program is modular and designed for young entrepreneurs and passionate people, who believe that
through entrepreneurial thinking and an aspiration towards excellence they can create change in our
.community and influence the future
:HIP combines two main layers – theory and practice
The theoretical level includes an introduction to the world of entrepreneurship and is based on groundbreaking
.books and articles, case Studies , TED videos , and discussions and expert lectures from various fields
The second level is based on "Learning by Doing" approach that enables participants to experiment and practice
the tools and techniques they have learned. This learning method has been proven to have the most significant impact
,in the field of entrepreneurship which requires mental flexibility and creativity on the one hand and organization and
self-discipline on the other. The program provides tools, knowledge and experience in developing ideas and incorporates
brainstorming, identifying opportunities, understanding the ecosystem, analyzing the target market and the various needs
.until full implementation of the idea
?Who is eligible for the program
HESEG Scholars and Alumni who have an initial venture / project idea and are interested in acquiring tools for entrepreneurial thinking
!Potential HIPsters should be serious, mature, interested in developing ideas and ready for the roller coaster experience that is entrepreneurship
:The main goal
Forming and creating a community consisting of HESEG scholarships and alumni who have an interest in entrepreneurship by creating
.an experience that will provide them with tools for creative thinking and experience in developing projects
.The community will consist of both HIP program graduates and HIP Boost graduates
:Program goals
.Development and empowerment of HESEG scholars and alumni by providing tools for entrepreneurial thinking, while practicing theories and tools
.Exposure to Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the World, and Israel's Impact on this field
.Learning the entrepreneurial language and the professional tools that will serve the participants during and after the program
.Hearing about and learning from success and failures of companies businesses and ventures from around the world and from Israel
.Encouraging out-of-the-box thinking, entrepreneurial thinking and tackling individual as well as group challenges
.Strengthening the ties between the HIP community and the entrepreneurial community in Israel